I've been using slock for about two months now and, as per the
subject, slock doesn't release my screen right away after a valid
password entry.  After inputing the password and pressing Enter, the
screen remains blanked and no amount of input brings it up. I can
actually see the LCD backlight flicking on and off with each
subsequent keypress or mouse wiggle.

If I wait 3-5 seconds and then press a key or bump the mouse, it
finally comes back on, but I do have to wait 3-5 seconds with
absolutely no input activity in order for this happen.  I'm sure this
can't be the expected behaviour.

I'm running Arch Linux with xorg-server v1.5.3 on an ATI X1400
(catalyst driver) in case that has any bearing.  I normally start
slock via xautolock, however I can reproduce this when starting slock

Haven't seen anyone else posting about this, so I thought I'd toss it out there.


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