I'm not sure anyone was claiming Anselm invented that combination of
words.  Other people might have said it, but the concept of
minimal-yet-highly-functional-and-modern software is only recently

# Kurt H Maier

On Sat, Dec 27, 2008 at 6:30 PM, carmen <_...@whats-your.name> wrote:
>> PS The 'suckless' philosophy is my favorite programmer's riff
>> in the last ten years.
> the "System 7 Sucks Less" t-shirts are > 10 years old
> im not saying Apple invented the meme..
> Why I like the Mac for Musicrec.music.synth - 58 posts - 42 authors - Last 
> post: Sep 8, 1992
> "The new sound manager, Sucks Less!" will be incredible. Not many people were 
> at
> the sound demonstration. I guess most developers don't care or there was a ...
> http://groups.google.com/g/6277feed/t/5b558493bffe0e67/d/a063cd4b272251d1
> but they were using it internally at least 16 years ago..

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