2009/2/14 Adam F <adam.listm...@googlemail.com>:
> hello all. I have run into two issues with the latest release.
> 1 - mplayer started keeping its borders (well, 2 of 4 - the top and
> left border, if it matters) in full screen mode. If I move the window
> around a few pixels I can get the normal fullscreen look. This happens
> regardless of the tag of the terminal I am using, but I don't think it
> should matter anyway since I set class "MPlayer" as always float in
> config.h.  I remember this was an issue a few years ago, but before
> the latest release I havent had this problem with mplayer.
> 2 - regarding the new behavior of single windows - i.e. no borders
> when only one client is in view, I observe the following: If I am
> viewing an empty tag, which is float, and open a single terminal, it
> opens to the default size (80x24 or whatever), and the borders are
> displayed.  However, If I am in tile mode viewing a single window,
> then alt-f to floating mode, and resize the terminal, the boarders
> stay invisible.  The only way to get them to show up is to open
> another client.  I think the intuitive behavior would be for the
> borders to show up upon the client being resized.
> Can anyone else confirm these issues?  I am running 5.4.1 as on the
> dwm page, and the only patch I use is bottomstack.

I can confirm both issues and I'm working on several fixes.

Kind regards,

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