You can try setting the resizehints boolean value to false in your config.h


------Original Message------
From: Dusan
ReplyTo: dwm mail list
Subject: Re: [dwm] Gvim size problem
Sent: Apr 15, 2009 12:01

On Wed, 15 Apr 2009 17:53:49 +0200
Preben Randhol <> wrote:

> Hi
> I have been using dwm for a couple of weeks now and I really love it!
> Especially the automatic tiling system so I don't need to move and
> resize my windows. I found the horizontal tiling patch and pertag
> patch to be very valuable for my needs. I use it on my Eee PC and an
> old computer. My main computer will also be switched from xfce4 to
> dwm as soon as I have managed to add a way to notify about new
> security updates and notification for new mcabber message.
> Anyway! There is only one slight problem I have, but I don't know if
> it is a dwm issue or gvim issue. When I open a gvim on my Eee
> 1024x600 or my old computer 1280x1024 it doesn't resize correctly.
> Same happens ifI go from Monocle to tiled view. I mean the outer
> border is correct, but I get an empty white area below the statusline
> (inside the window). If I open a new application like xterm then
> suddenly gvim gets redrawn correctly. I can supply a screenshot later
> from my Eeepc.
> Have others seen this behavior? Is it a gvim problem or dwm? I use the
> 5.5 from hg with the two patches mentioned. System is Ubuntu Jaunty.
> I have also run gvim -U NONE -u NONE with same effect.
> Preben 

I can confirm this. Wanted to ask same question. I usually solve this
by pressing alt+shift+space two times (float gvim, unfloat gvim).

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