  I am coming back to dwm after being away for a while.  I am now
running 5.5, and my question is how do I get the status back in the bar?
I used to run something like:

  while true
      #sswriter  -d "%m/%d/%y - %I:%M %p" -D eth0 wlan0 "--{ %b0 | M: %m S: %s 
| %n | %d }--\n" 
      sleep 15
  done | dwm

But that does not work anymore.  I do not see on dwm.suckland.org or in
the man page what I should be doing now...



Don Harper, RHCE <ducku...@gmail.com>        http://www.donaldharper.com/

         All that we are is the result of what we have thought. - Buddha

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