My status bar is written in Tcl. It shows date, Mhz, memory, traffic
network and battery status when the battery is present. The main
reason to use a dinamic lenguage instead a more classic software tool
approach is that I am not sure if doing 15 fork's each 2 second can be
efficient. I am still using the stdin for read the status bar (dwm 5.2
I think):

#An status bar in 62 lines:


package require Tcl 8.5
namespace path {::tcl::mathop ::tcl::mathfunc}; # because  expr sucks!

proc sleep {N} { after [ expr { int( $N * 1000)} ] }

proc date {} { return [clock format [clock seconds] -format {%a %d %b, %R}] }

proc file2array {file arr_name} {
   upvar $arr_name arr
   set chan [open $file r]
   set file_str "[read  -nonewline $chan ]"
   close $chan
   regsub -all {\n} $file_str {:} file_str
   regsub -all {[\s]*:[\s]*} $file_str {:} file_str
   set list_file "[split $file_str ":" ]"
   if { [!= [% [ llength $list_file]  2 ] 0 ] } {
      set list_file [lreplace $list_file end end]
   array set arr "$list_file"

proc mhz {} {
   file2array "/proc/cpuinfo" cpu
   return [int $cpu(cpu MHz)]

proc bat {} {
   file2array "/proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/state" bat
   if { [eq $bat(present)  "yes"] } {
      if { [catch {set battery [/ [* [string trim $bat(remaining
capacity) {\smAh}] 100] 4000] }] } {
         return ""
      return "$battery% $bat(charging state)"
   return ""

proc memUsed {} {
   file2array "/proc/meminfo" mem
   foreach i { MemFree MemTotal Cached } { set $i [string trim
$mem($i) {\skB}] }
   return [/ [- $MemTotal [+ $MemFree $Cached] ] 1024]

proc trafficSpeed {eth} {
   file2array "/proc/net/dev" net
   if { [catch {  regsub -all { +} $net($eth) { } aux } ] } {
      return "0 0"
   return "[lindex $aux 0] [lindex $aux 8]"

set oldNetState "0 0"
while {1} {
   set newNetState [trafficSpeed wlan0]
   set netSpeed  "[/ [/ [- [lindex  $newNetState 0] [lindex
$oldNetState 0]] 1024] 2 ] \
   [/ [/ [- [lindex $newNetState 1] [lindex $oldNetState 1]] 1024] 2]"
   set oldNetState $newNetState
   puts "[bat] | +[lindex $netSpeed 0] KB/S -[lindex $netSpeed 1] KB/S
| [memUsed] MB | [mhz] MHz | [date]"
   sleep 2

On Sun, May 3, 2009 at 7:27 AM, Thayer Williams <> wrote:
> On Sat, May 2, 2009 at 8:30 PM, Jake Todd <> wrote:
>> I was wondering what some other dwm users were using for stats like
>> memory, temperature, et cetera. Right now I'm using this for
>> termperature, memory, wifi, date:
> I'm lazy and use conky-cli to do most of the grunt conkyrc
> (below) displays the cpu frequency, cpu usage percentiles, battery or
> AC status, LAN or WIFI stats depending on which is active, and the
> date/time:
> ~$ cat .conkyrc
> background no
> out_to_console yes
> update_interval 2
> total_run_times 0
> use_spacer none
>   ${freq 1}MHz ${cpu cpu1}%/${cpu cpu2}% :: ${if_existing
> /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/present}Bat
> ${battery_percent}%${else}AC${endif} :: ${if_empty ${exec ifconfig
> wlan0 | grep 'inet addr:'}}${upspeed eth0}K ${downspeed
> eth0}K${else}${wireless_link_qual_perc wlan0}% ${wireless_essid wlan0}
> ${upspeed wlan0}K ${downspeed wlan0}K${endif} :: ${time %b %d %H:%M}
> ...and I combine this with a startdwm script so I can reload dwm
> without closing other applications:
> $ cat bin/startdwm
> #!/bin/sh
> # A simple script to start dwm in a while loop which
> # allows dwm to be killed without closing programs.
> # Usage:    killall dwm         <-- restarts dwm
> #           killall startdwm    <-- kills session
> conky-cli | while read line; do
>    xsetroot -name "$line";
> done | while true; do dwm > /dev/null; done;

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