On May 3, 2009, at 3:12 PM, Preben Randhol wrote:

I have setup my Asus Eee to run commands when I press the function keys (like power up/down etc...) In these scripts I'm running notify-send to
get a small window to give a message (like touchpad off etc...). The
scripts are run from acpid.

For some strange reason when I use dwm, the notify window doesn't show
up. If I program dwm to run the script, I get the window. If I run the
script manually from xterm as either user or root I get the window. If
I start xfce4 in stead of dwm I get the window when acpid starts the

Maybe you need to launch "notification-daemon" from .xsession or make sure you run "notify-send" as the correct user from acpid? I assume that DBus messages are handled separately for each user...

Also, if you are only using libnotify to respond to keypresses, you may want to check out dzen2. The code sucks somewhat (I think there's at least one function with 1k LOC), but it doesn't suck up 3M of RAM at all times like notification-daemon does.

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