On Fri, 8 May 2009 16:08:12 +0800
bill lam <cbill....@gmail.com> wrote:

> BIOS support choosing a smaller multipliers to reduce cpu frequency.
> linux also supports frequency scaling such powernowd.  Some google
> page said cpu throttling can not reduce power consumption.  My
> experience is that it seems to lower temperature. If it can also
> reduce power consumption, I'm willing to save money by running cpu at
> half of its current frequency.  Any idea.
same experience. But I let the software decrease the cpu throttling
stepwise on load. I mean not jumping  straight between 800MHz and
1.6GHz nor force it to be 800MHz.

For powersaving I gained 1 hour (from 5 hours to 6 hours) by
blacklisting all kernel modules I don't want to be started on boot on
my Asus 1000H. E.g. not staring web camera support on startup.
Experiment with this on your computer.

Best wishes


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