Thanks Tony,
I honestly appreciate your reply to my question.  I'm sure you realize that I don't agree with you but life sure would be dull if everyone agreed about everything.  The old saying "Different strokes for different folks"  applies here I'm sure.  Please allow me to make a few comments about what you wrote.   How about the frustration of the "old" ham who has worked them all or nearly all and is thrilled by the new Challenge Award, just to be jumped on by others when he tries to work a new band country.  And he may or may not be a "Big Gun".  There are many Hams with very modest stations who use their skills, learned from many years of DXing to compete for the Challenge Award.
I absolutely agree with you about the name calling.  This is no place for that for any reason.
I must repeat what I wrote a while back about Ed P5/4L4FN since you mentioned it.  I have heard him on several occasions congratulating callers for working him on 3 bands.  This leads me to believe that if he made that "one contact only" statement at the beginning of his operation, he has changed his mind.  The congratulatory comments I have heard him make are sincere, not tongue in cheek.
I also wish NEW ONES FOR THE DESERVING on all bands.
Dave - K4SSU

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