The moral of the story is that we all must be a little patient, even if 
it is for that last one that gives us DXCC, Honor Roll, WAZ, or 
whatever.  :-)

KIR wrote:

>On 6 Sept I posted my comments regarding the problems of receiving QSL cards
>from ER land. This was after a rather lengthy thread on this subject. I
>stated that I had worked 5 ER stations and never received a card. I even
>identified who they were. Since then I received two cards within the past
>two days and I feel compelled to set the record straight. So I'm posting
>this to let everyone know that I received a card from ER1QQ via the bureau
>for a QSO on 11 Sep 01, and also one direct from ER7HQ for a QSO on 14 July
>02. I cannot determine if the ER1QQ card was in response to receiving my
>card or not, but the ER7HQ definitely was. I don't know if this information
>sheds any light on this matter, but there is a lesson in it for me.
>Ken W4OFE
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