Sorry for the off topic (if there such a thing in a "chat" forum)  ;-)

I have an old Alinco DR-110T that is being used for 2m packet cluster
link.  I don't have the owners manual, but I was told Pin 6 on the Mic
connector is a N/C.

I've found some info on the Inet that leaves me to believe some of these
radios have speaker audio on pin 6 and some do not.  I did a crude check
last night by hooking a speaker to pin 6 on the Mic connector, but didn't
hear any audio coming from the test speaker.

So my question is how can I tell, other than trying what I did, if there
is audio on pin 6?  And if pin 6 really is a N/C what's the best way to
run audio to that pin?  I found one site that talks about JP1 and the
connections from there to the Mic connector.  However, I couldn't find JP1
anywhere in the radio.

There's not much inside and would certainly be easy to run a jumper from
the speaker jack in the back of the radio around to pin 6 of the Mic
connector.  I was just hoping for a more "elegant" way, just as
connecting "JP1" or something similar.

Kelly - KE9KD

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