Yes, UNAET (East Timor) is now Timor-Leste.
No, as of this moment and until it is ruled otherwise, Timor-Leste is not a "new" entity, merely the same one UNAET is/was.
A very recent expedition to 4W attempted raise some doubt.  Those subscribe to The Daily DX and/or The Weekly DX read a detailed analysis from W3UR on why (in Bernie's opinion, with facts) as to why that expedition was wrong.  And I've heard some other "unofficial" things lately also.  Short story is, if you have East Timor confirmed, you should not need to worry about replacing the entity with a new Timor-Leste confirmation [unless you worked a 4W station between the time the UN gave up control & the Timor-Leste government started licensing, but that's not an "entity" issue but an "authorized license" issue]

73, ron wn3vaw
AJ:  "Did you ever hear of Evel Kneival?"
Lev:  "I never saw Star Wars"
-- Armageddon
----- Original Message -----
From: ka5ejx
To: DX-Chat
Sent: Friday, June 06, 2003 7:13 PM
Subject: [DX-CHAT] Timor question

I have been out of the loop for a while so please forgive the following question:
Didn't I read somewhere that East Timor is now Timor Leste? Is it considered a new entity?
Thanks much,

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