Two thoughts:

1. Sometimes it is difficult to determine who is genuinely impoverished and who is just fishing for a new free radio. But, a monk has likely taken a vow of poverty and from emails on the subject, this Monk seems not to have the support for ham radio from his order/Church (who could easily afford a new radio for him by selling one of the gold spoons in the Vatican archive???). So, I think a donation to this particular Monk is justified, but future solicitations need to be carefully evaluated to hold down fraud.

2. I think it is not in the spirit of ham radio to put conditions on GIFTS, like "if u let me come there and operate, I will give u a rig." I know personally that a well known publisher of a DX info source does not do that because he freely gave a radio, with no condx, to the 9N guys (as shown and published with photos in another DX magazine in an article by me). But, we travelers all need to be careful to make gifts really gifts. Our hams records have been wonderful when guys go to rare places and then leave gear and antennas behind for the locals to use. Great!!!

Charles Harpole

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