-----Original Message-----
Of Larry, K4WLS
Sent: 22. august 2003 23:52
To: [DX-Chat]
Subject: [DX-CHAT] The New DX-News

Bottom line is I am not "blowing smoke" or "nose-gating"
anyone, I would just like to thank Urb, Steve, and Ron
for being a "true freind" to me through thick and thin, and
for all us DXers, keeping the news and chat coming. By
the way, Steve is "The Chandelier Man". Once in awhile
you will hear him rattling the chandeliers saying, "This
discussion is moved to DX-Chat."  :-)  :-)

Anyway, a great "big thanks" to DX-Chat, DX-News, Urb,
Steve, and Ron.

I could not agree more. The attitude of the gentlemen mentioned is like the
ham spirit
some of us learned when we came abord some 50 years ago, generous, helpful
and forgiving.

Ecxellent role models for all of us  and in particluar the " owner" of the


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