G'day from downunder,

I got a card from SV2ASP/A today in the mail. Hooray, it's number 330 for me. (Brag brag)

In the envelope was a small extra note written by Apollo. I have written it in it's entirety for your information and action.

I am personally quite happy to put in my 2 cents worth to the Ministry. Dunno if it will do any good but who knows? If enough of us do it, they may think about it.

73, Alek

"Dear friend,
I would like to demand your help to a problem that I confront. Recently, in the new regulation that made the Ministry, because the men that work there don't know that Mount Athos is special DXCC-country, give the "SY" as a special call sign to everyone who wants it. So there is a confusion to the amateur radio world, who believe that those who use this call sign are from Mount Athos. Many Greek radio amateurs sayed their views to the Ministry but they ignored them. I would be grateful if you send a message to the Ministry (E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]) asking them to stop issuing the "SY" as a special prefix, and give it exclusively to Mount Athos. Thanks beforehand for your assistance. From Mount Athos, the "Garden of Virgin Mary" I send you my best wishes. God bless you."


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