According to ARRL, the most commonly worked and submitted QSL for DXCC is Italy.
   Tom,  W6HT
On Tue, 2 Sep 2003, harris ruben wrote:

> Me, too. But all I need is Scarborough and North Korea.
> Gee, each of us needs something different. Ain't DX great??

It always amazes me in what order people work their countries for DXCC.
Amongst my first 100 were AH1, S2 and VK9C. Some people had been trying to
work those for a long time!  It took me almost forever to work EZ and I
still don't have A9 and VK9X.  I worked ST0RY for my new one this year.

There are quite a few I haven't worked yet including A5, BS7H, VU4,
VU7, P5, etc. What will next year bring? :-)

73, Zack W9SZ 

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