Now how exactly is the ARRL going to "make money" off of Logbook of the

Anyone who chooses to can upload their log -- no charge.  Yes, they need to
get a certificate (no charge) to ensure that it is really them uploading,
but once the initial certificate is created, additional ones can be
generated (no charge) for alternate calls (previous, vanity, special event,

Is there a charge involved?  Yes -- when you apply for an ARRL-sponsored
award (ie DXCC, WAS, VUCC, etc).  How much?  That hasn't been determined yet
BUT we have been repeatedly told that it will be LESS than the current
per-card cost of these awards now.

That's right... less.  Obviously this is because generating the credits
electronically is cheaper than having a human being process paperwork and
physically examine physical cards.  Hmmm, that also means that you SAVE
money by NOT having to ship cards to League Hq. or taking them to a card
checker.  Not to mention hassle, risk of loss or damage, etc.

Sure seems to me more like the ARRL is keeping the costs down by
implementing this system.  But "making money" on it?  How?  Where?  How

... and remember this, the ARRL has specifically stated that they will NOT
be using LotW logs to act as a quasi- or de-facto QSL manager, unlike at
least one other electronic logging system that now charges a fee for sending
you a "QSL card" from an uploaded log (not a nickel of which goes to the
station who uploaded the log, from what I've seen).

C'mon.  Let's stick to facts.  Not opinion.

73, ron wn3vaw

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Ron Lago" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2003 9:11 PM
Subject: Re: [DX-News] Vinny from the crossing.....

Well I dont know abt some stations but I know I have thousands  of pages of
written logs for  abt 50 stations and it will be cold outside before I
computerize them so the ARRL can make more money.
Here's my the want a card? send yours properly and I will send
you a card. I dont need an extra $ or 2..just a SAE and return postage or a
buro card....pretty simple, If a dxpeditions don't want to use lotw, its
their business. Anyone that does'nt like their action should not work them
or go on their own dxpedition.
At 05:22 PM 9/18/2003 -0700, WC7N wrote:

>Barry those guys won't upload the logs they have.  They want those Green

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