Hi J,
Well, as an active QSL manager, and an avid DXer, I must say I am personally
offended by your "in fact" statement. I think it was Winston Churchill or
maybe Roosevelt that said "All generalities are false, including this one".
While it may possibly be true in some rare instances, I think your
"generality" does a great disservice to many QSL managers througout the
world who do an outstanding job, for the fun and enjoyment of it. In my many
years of managing, I can think of only perhaps two cases where a claim for a
QSO not in the log appeared to be under less than honorable circumstances.
And I can count on one hand where a QSL was accompanied by $5.00 or more!

Just my 2 cents worth, for obvious reasons.

Tony, W4FOA

----- Original Message -----
From: "J. A. Call" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, September 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Subject: [DX-CHAT] QSL postage

> Just think.  In the good old days of ham radio and DX we each exchanged
> cards and paid our own postage. That's when a QSL card meant something.
> Today it is a business.  If you send $5.00 or $10.00 that will almost
> guarantee you a card whether you work the station or not.  If you do not
> donate to "the cause" you may or may not get a card.  It is as simple as
> that.  I have been a ham and DXing since 1947 and I know what I am
> talking about.  The ARRL and DXCC are no different than anyone else. It
> used to be an "honor roll" now it is a business.  It costs $10.00 just to
> send a card in to update your standings.  No $10.00 no update.  Who wants
> to pay $20.00 plus just for a QSL card to show that you said "59" which
> took 2 seconds.  That's $10.00 a second or $600 a minute.
> Everyone is entitled to their 2 cents worth.  That's mine.
> 73's es gud DX
> J
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