On Sun, Oct 05, 2003 at 06:57:56PM -0400, Fred Stevens K2FRD wrote:
> At 11:21 -0700 05/10/03, John and Mari Minke wrote:
> >Art RX9TX wrote:
> >>
> >> HI9/K8WK,  definitely.  I  think  it  is  one of IARU recommendations.
> >> Europeans and JA's always use only that method.
> >
> >Actually, I think it would be what the license says. U.S. stations
> >operating in Canada use their call appended by the proper Camadian
> >prefix and vice versa per agreement between both countries. In other
> >words if I operated from the Yukon it would be N6JM/VY1, not VY1/N6JM.
> >
> >This whole problem was created by the computer age of logging where the
> >program could not recognize calls appended as such. Hopefully this new
> >system can recognize the calls appended either way. In the latter case,
> >if I were to operate from Siberia it definitely would be RX9/N6JM.
> I went through this three years ago preparing for a mini-DXpedition 
> to Labrador, whether to sign as K2FRD/VO2 or VO2/K2FRD. True, with 
> the US as a signatory with various IARU and ITU treaties, the 
> portable locator should go before the home callsign (e.g. VO2/K2FRD), 
> but a reciprocal agreement between the US and Canada nominally has it 
> after (e.g. K2FRD/VO2) in apparent contravention to the various IARU 
> and ITU treaties. Since Canada's RICs aren't particularly clear on 
> the issue and the FCC Rules leave room for interpretation, I chose 
> VO2/K2FRD since it is the "industry standard" of ham radio and for 
> the above electronic logging reason. In truth, probably neither 
> government is going to invest a lot of time obsessing with which way 
> a portable station signs as long as the information is present and 
> correct.

The RAC web site <http://www.rac.ca/rcip.htm> says essentially the same
thing.  At the time the US/Canada agreement was made, having it after
the callsign was the accepted practice.

Bob, N7XY
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