Sorry to bother you with this, but just FYI should it come up:

I've just had to delete about 30 email addresses from the reflector.  Most
were bouncing (and have been for several days now) because the addresses
were either no longer valid or "over quota" (which may mean that they're
abandonded "free" accounts or something like that).

So, just a reminder that if you are changing your email address, don't
forget to unsubscribe the old one from the reflector and resubscribe under
the new one!

Also, I had to delete a few addresses that fell victim to the anti-unwanted
commercial/junque email filters that many ISP's are now putting into place.
When I get a bounce message on the lines of:
    (reason: 550 5.7.1 Mail Refused - 216.37.46 - See - 20031119)

   ----- Transcript of session follows -----
... while talking to
<<< 550 5.7.1 Mail Refused - 216.37.46 - See - 20031119
554 5.0.0 Service unavailable

that tells me that either the user has (accidently or otherwise) designated
output of the reflector as junque, and/or that the ISP has made that same
designation.  Those who are in this category have gotten separate emails
from me advising them of the situation, hopefully they will be able to clear
the blocks so that they can be restored to the reflector.

Thanks again for your understanding!

73, ron wn3vaw
administrator, dx chat

"What's the point in being crazy if you can't have a little fun with it?"
-- Russell Crowe portraying John Nash, "A Beautiful Mind"

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