Yep, plagiarism exactly involves "the issues of ethical practice, honesty, and
principles." (K4WLS, cited below)

I just think WLS over reacted to a minor incident in the great HOBBY of ham radio. I send out a bigger signal because N4GI came over to my station and helped me install 5 el. monobanders, but (except for now), I do not footnote him when I work a rare DX on the first call nor give him credit when a rag chewer asks me to move from "his" frequency during my contesting.

WLS is correct, I think. He just over reacted.1

1 "over reacted" is often seen written as one word, also.

I can not get super scripts (footnote numbers) to print on this email, sorry.

This email of mine is an over reaction..... done here as an example... 73 and see u in the DX Contest piles this weekend, I fear.

Charles Harpole

From: "Larry,  K4WLS" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Unethical Practice
Date: Thu, 4 Mar 2004 09:20:20 -0500

Ref: Post by K4VUD


Please read my Post again. Not once did I broach the issues
of plaegerism (I can't even spell it) or copyright.

I did stress the issues of ethical practice, honesty, and

Unfortunately, most of the American people today do not
understand what these words actually entail. Many of the
ones that do like to "water them down".

73, Larry K4WLS

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