From: "Ward Willats" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Ref: How Would You Respond


You brought up a great point about being careful "to be on our
best behavior". This is certainly applicable to the Extra bands
but all as well. If we all tried very, very hard to be on our BEST
BEHAVIOR, i.e. pretent Big Brother, the FCC is listening in,
and knows all our call signs, just think:

(1)  We would always ask QRL ?? a few times before plopping
       down and calling CQ.
(2)   When we heard a DX station working a string of stations,
        we would always tune up to see if there are stations calling
        him up frequency to see if he was working split. There
        would be no stas calling the DX on his QRG when he
        working split, no QRM to others, and no need for Traffic
        Cops who cause additional QRM with the "Ups".
(3)    With no QRM on the DX QRG, the "Real Crusty Extras"
         would not be sending "Lids" on the DX QRG, or laying
         down a carrier to express their disgust.
(4)    If there are no "Real Crusty Extras" sending "Lids" on
         the DX QRG, there would be no other "helpful souls"
         trying the stop the "Real Crusty Extras", and no dogfights
         on the DX QRG.
(5)    If you had a new rig and wanted a check of your audio on
         SSB, you could send a polite "Break Please" to two
         strong stations engaged in a QSO without a "Get F-----d"
         in return. If your audio was bad, they would say "OM,
         your audio is very distorted" instead of "Throw it in the
         Sh-t Can".
(6) could go on and on.......but wouldn't it be
         very, very pleasurable operating if we all tried very hard
         to be on our very best behavior...........I think the key here
         is to always be very mindful of what we are doing, and
         to always be considerate of other Hams.......think before
         you hit the key or mic switch.........and always keep in mind
         how you would like to be treated by others on the bands.
(7)    Think we just went back to that "Golden Rule" again  :-)

73,   K4WLS

  [Snip, Snip]

and below 7025 was out of the question. Even today, I'm on my "best
behavior" down in the extra segment and try like crazy not to
embarrass myself when chasing the odd DX or what-not down there.

So I think it is perfectly fine to expect a reasonable level of
competency when someone keys in that segment. I also think grossly
incorrect QSL information is inexcusable and a 4 WPM character speed
is undecipherable!

True, there may be some handicap there, but general cluelessness is
the more likely case.

That said, I would not have known what "AS" means either -- it is a
traffic prosign and I just don't hear it on the air in regular QSO.
(On the plus side, I know it now!) The FCC only tests on DN, AR, SK
and BT. I'm also not sure I would have understood T9 either (depends
on context), though I may well have figured it out -- I would not
expect _you_ to be telling _me_ about your own tone without more
explanation than can reasonably be done at 4 WPM.

de, thks, gn, ge, tu, cut numbers, Q-codes -- these your hear a lot
and figure out quickly. (Well, cut numbers besides "T" threw me the
first time I contested, but...)

So yes, on these two more obscure behaviors and idioms I think a
little "ole crusty Extra" is, in fact, showing. Least that's the view
from these "fresh eyes," FWIW.


-- Ward / KG6HAF

P.S. No one ever answered Steve Glibert's, G3OAG, query on 3/26 about
whether QSL cards for WAS have to indicate 2-way (2X) or not to be
good for the award. Since I just QSO'd my last state today for WAS
CW, and I have a "creative" card to two without this specified, I'm
interested in the answer to this too.
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