Up until last November, I hadn't been on a plane since before 11 Sept 
2001.  I've flown quite a bit in years past, but had no need to fly since 
then until recently.

I've made several flights since then, all on the same airline.  Each time 
I was designated a "selectee".  This apparently means you're under 
scrutiny for some reason.  I can understand the first time but I don't get 
why the other times.  I was even joking with the same security guy I'd 
been checked by at the same airport on two earlier occasions - "We've got 
to stop meeting like this ..." Fortunately he had a sense of humor.  
He didn't understand why I was being called a "selectee" so many times, 

It's not a big deal but it made me feel I was being accused of something 
bad I'd never done.

Maybe it's a good thing I wasn't trying to take along a radio.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Tue, 24 May 2005, Jerry K3BZ wrote:

> --- I take no offense at Rag's comments, and I don't see anything 
> "anti-American" in them. The world is a much smaller place these days 
> and after all DXers are an international group, aren't we?  At Dayton, 
> several Europeans mentioned that it was much more difficult to enter and 
> travel in the USA now.  I took that as an indication our airport 
> security has tightened. I was happy to hear it. Lots of good Americans 
> agree...air travel is much more difficult since 9/11.  That's not an 
> "anti-American" comment, it's just an observation, a statement of 
> opinion. 

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