Thanks Larry de Larry. Well at least one of my goals bit the dust tonight. 
Just worked KH9/W0CN on 20, first call. Another new one down to darn many 
more to go. ;-) At least this evening is not a total waste.
Now I am satisfied with that one and will move on to that Kure bunch. 
Waiting for them to refuel a generator right now. ;-)

I will take a look at ye ole website and see if rubbing the screen can bring 
in some luck.
Again thanks Larry and here is looking at you from the western NC mountains.


Larry Van Horn, N5FPW
Assistant Editor
Monitoring Times magazine

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Larry, K4WLS" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2005 8:03 PM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] K7C


I can surely emphasize with you, as I never did get through to them on 40M
Mon AM with my 90 W and Inv Vee up 25 ft even though I was camped
out of their freq. Seemed like a few simplex QSO's escalated into a few 
linears and yagis covering 8 KHz in a matter of seconds.

I never have been one to give up easily so I was back it this morning, and I 
get them on simplex using a few tricks in my bag. Course, I been running low
power and simple wires/verticals to work DX for 45 years.

Please go to (Magnolia DX Association). Click on the
DX Tips link and feel free to read the dozens of DX Tips I have written to 
share my experience and bag of tricks with people like you and me.

Hang in there, perserverence and dermination almost always overcome
all obstacles, even low power, mediocre antennas. I have also found
that praying seems to help quite a bit as well.      GL Son, 73,  Larry 


From: "Larry Van Horn, N5FPW" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2005 12:05 PM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] K7C

Glad we have a place to editorialize just a bit cause this is been eating at
me for the 32 years I have been a ham. Now I can get it off my chest. Before
I start I am NOT picking on any individual here by name. These are aimed at
the DX community in general.

Soapbox mode on!

So congrads Rod and to the rest of you who have worked Kure and especially
if you got them on more than one band and mode.

Master Rod wrote:
>But guys you just can't believe how strong they are here on the southern
>Oregon coast.

And you can't believe how incredibly weak they have been here in the
mountains of SW NC.  For me that is probably a function that I do NOT have a
top of the line setup (high power and an antenna farm the NSA would be proud
of). And while it is nice they are going to try and service the EU, it is
sad that those of us not equipped with high power and huge antenna farms
can't get through the wall of JAs and Big Gun US/EU hams who have already
have Kure in their logbooks. The bunch at Kure said, "It's up to the DXer to
make the QSO by making the most of his or her own skills, wits, and
stamina."  That is hilarious. They missed the most important part: equipment
and lots of money to buy it.

The DXpedition said they would base their operating philosophy around a
survey taken in a DX magazine. When these sort of DX surveys are taken, they
are talking to the big guns on the Honor Roll and others looking to get on
the Honor Roll. They do not address the thousands who are the casual DXers
that have never even worked Kure Island before. I dare say some hams don't
even know where Kure is at. ;-)

So when you look at the US ham population and say, they do not need to give
us as much time to the US, think about the number of little pistols they are
leaving out here in the US. Those of us on the east coast that do not have
big setups and high power.  We are probably in as much of a disadvantage as
some of our EU friends. There are a lot of us who have not had a shot and
probably will not have a shot at Kure no matter what happens, because it
just isn't in the cards. But from what I have seen and heard over the last
four days it is sad so many will not break through any wall, US, JA or EU
because so many are trying to fill out and complete their every mode and
band sheet.  There is nothing more disgusting to me than some big shot DXer
bragging on the list or on the air that he worked them on every band and
mode, while so many didn't even get sniff on one band or mode.

>From their website:
"We are still struggling with a huge amount of physical tasks--antenna
commissioning, station protection, moving water and gasoline, working for
the resident naturalist, etc. We are very tired, there is limited ability at
this moment to respond to individual requests for bands, modes, skeds, etc.

Incredible. You elite want them to cater to your individual request to set
up a sked or asking them to get on your band so you can fill out a hole? I'm
glad some of you have worked them on bands and modes you haven't gotten them
on before. And to those of you who worked Kure again on a band or mode you
have worked them in the past, I have just one thing to say.  Nothing more
illustrates my point than this statement from their own website:  "We expect
to make more than 80,000 total radio contacts with 35,000 different persons
during the expedition." You do the math, 45,000 contacts to get another band
or mode for someone who has probably already worked the country.

Their are a lot of us guys out here that would like to work them for the
first time on any band or mode. I'm not interested in the DX Challenge, in
fact, I could care less. A 5BDXCC award would be nice someday, but I won't
go bankrupt to get it. The Navy in 23 years taught me patience and that has
allowed me to slowly increase my country count.  But I sure wish we could
get a break sometimes from those that have for those of us who have not. I
just want to proudly say I have a Kure card and a contact in the N5FPW log

Now I understand this is a personal choice I make, but for me I refuse to
spend thousands of dollars or Euros to guarantee my contact. I enjoy the
hunt as much as anyone else, in fact, probably more because I know the odds
are stacked against me getting through to contact Kure and a lot of other
rare DXpeditions. But it is frustrating to hear the DXpedition say they will
concentrate on a particular area when others here in the US who are down in
the DX pecking order would like a shot at working them just as much as the
bigshot high power EU stations (who probably already have them in their
logbooks at least once).  It is frustrating to hear others say thy worked
them on a band and mode even though they didn't need them. It is frustrating
to hear others brag about how many bands and modes they got them on.  And I
am sure there are many more like me here in the US. Turning their attention
to EU is fine, but what about us little guys here in the US that didn't get
surveyed by that DX magazine? How about some consideration for us as well.
Not!! I know what the real world is and I will be content to listen for
hours and say, well at least I heard them.

Soapbox mode off!!

73 guys and gals de Larry (aka El Jefe-The Chief)

Larry Van Horn, N5FPW
Assisatnt Editor
Monitoring Times magazine

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