---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2005 08:02:44 -0700 (PDT)
From: Sean Kutzko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [k9cu] Romeo, I Hardly Knew Ye (Long)

Gather 'round the campfire, boys and girls...

A few months back, I posted a note on the Society of
Midwest Contesters reflector asking if anybody knew
the whereabouts of our dear old friend Romeo
Stepanenko, 3W3RR. As many will recall, Romeo had a
habit in the late 1980's and early 1990's of popping
up with his gear from some of the rarest countries in
the world of ham radio, make tens of thousands of
contacts, and then getting us armchair DX'ers to flood
him with requests for QSL cards (which included “green
stamps”) that often came very late or not at all.
There was also that minor issue of him not being able
to provide the DXCC administrators with the proper
documentation from some of his adventures, proving he
was indeed where he said he was. In the parlance of
DX'ing, Romeo was the ultimate Slim, a pirate.

I'm a musician, and I figured if ever there was
somebody that was worthy of a scurvy-dog, sea-shanty
kind of song, ol' Romeo was that person. There were
rumors he was a shady character, who showed up at the
Dayton Hamvention in 1999, years after being expelled
from DXCC, and then disappeared from the face of the
Earth. He is the sort that is perfect for song and
story. I needed factual material for the tune, so I
started to do my homework. The note to the SMC
reflector was the beginning of that homework.

I didn't get much response other than a couple of
notes that said, "Yeah, whatever happened to that
guy?" So, In July 2005, I posted a note on Eham.com in
their DX forum, entitled "Wherefore Art Thou, Romeo?"
Again, no info. So, I started searching on Google. I
found an article online about ham radio in Afghanistan
that mentioned him in passing, and a site that had
several of Romeo's QSL's (including WX9X's fake
P5/R0MEO card he handed out at Dayton one year). I
printed the articles and stuck them in my notebook I
keep for writing lyrics, where they have sat for a
while, collecting dust. I forgot about it and moved on
to other projects.

On the evening of October 19, 2005, I received a phone
call from an inspector with the U.S Postal Service
based in St. Louis. He said he needed to meet with me
concerning an investigation of "...one of my
associates." I obviously made myself available at his
earliest convenience, which was the next day's lunch

I ran over to my friend Matt, NM9H's place. Was he
trading endangered animals over the Internet?
Circumnavigating customs laws by importing fresh fruit
from Venezuela? Ripping tags off of mattresses and
mailing them to Botswana? He assured me he was doing
nothing of the sort, as he was "...an old man with a
house full of kids, with neither the time nor energy
to be surreptitious." 

A night of fitful sleep ensued. We jazz and folk
musicians have a sordid history in America, often
lumped together with other unsavories like gangsters,
communists, and bootleggers. Which of my compadres had
warranted constabulatory intervention, and how did the
Postal Service get involved? Besides, my youthful
indiscretions are long over, as I have nothing to be
discrete about any longer and I'm closer to
middle-aged than youthful. In short, like my friend
NM9H, I'm boring and getting old.

The Inspector came to my place today (20 October
2005), and after some pleasantries, asked if the name
Roman Vega meant anything to me; I truthfully answered
no. He then asked if I was a ham operator, to which I
said yes. He then asked if the name Romeo Stepanenko
meant anything to me, and I nodded uncertainly. The
Inspector then produced a printout of my Romeo inquiry
on Eham.com. He said he was following up on an
investigation from the US Department of Justice in San
Francisco concerning our beloved Romeo, and he wanted
to know why I was asking about him in a public forum.

I gave him a Reader's Digest version of ham radio,
DX'ing, and an overview of the DXCC program. I
explained how Romeo pretended to operate from various
exceptionally rare places, duped tens of thousands of
us into sending him SASE's with green stamps included,
and was then caught and expelled from the DXCC program
for these fraudulent ham activities. I explained why
this caused such a scandal to a program that has had
an exceedingly high level of ethics and scrutiny
associated with it over the years. He was quite
interested in people sending dollars along with QSL
requests. I explained it was customary to help pay for
the QSL you're going to receive, especially when
dealing with an operation from a place as rare as
Myanmar or North Korea.

I then had to explain to him why I'd want to write a
song about such an unsavory character. As I explained,
every hobby or pastime has some level of folklore or
legend attached to it, and Romeo is one of the most
infamous characters in the history of DX'ing. In
baseball, people wrote songs about Jackie Robinson and
Joltin' Joe. Bob Dylan wrote about Emmett Till. Heck,
Frank Zappa wrote about a wacko dubbed by the press as
The Illinois Enema Bandit. Numerous ballads have been
written about pirates, oddballs, do-gooders and
ne'er-do-wells in all cultures all around the globe.
Ham Radio DX'ing may be a small culture in the grand
scheme of things, but it is a culture nonetheless. It
stands to reason that, just like any other culture,
the heroes are glorified and the villains are reviled.
To me, writing a song about Romeo seemed logical and

After an hour of questioning by the Inspector (nice
guy, by the way), he said it was quite obvious I
wasn't involved in any of Romeo's current shenanigans,
and proceeded to tell me The Story:

Roman Vega, aka Romeo Stepanenko, was arrested and
extradited from Cyprus to the United States in March
of 2004, and has been charged with 40 counts of wire
fraud and trafficking in stolen credit card numbers.
He is alleged to have done this in online chat rooms.
The Inspector I spoke with indicated that he allegedly
bilked over $3 million out of this scheme. Romeo has
pleaded not guilty to all charges. He has been held in
northern California, as he is considered a flight
risk. His trial is scheduled to begin in San Francisco
on Monday, November 28.

Here is a link to the US Department Of Justice press


Here is a link to the actual indictment filed in
Federal Court:


As Paul Harvey would say, “Now you know the rest of
the story.”

The Inspector never informed me that I was not allowed
to discuss this, so I'm posting it here for all to
see. He indicated the case against Romeo looked quite
good indeed, and that they were following up on all
leads they had concerning him. I was "lucky" enough to
have been considered a Person Of Interest; I got to
see a copy of my Federal subpoena, where I was
"commanded" to appear in Federal court on November 28
at 8:30AM. The Inspector indicated this would probably
not be needed. He did mention that San Francisco is
quite nice this time of year, though, and it was
almost a pity I wouldn't get to take the Government up
on their free "vacation." I gave him one of those
nervous smiles and waited for him to move on.

He left me his card, said he'd file his report, and
told me I'd probably never hear from him again. He did
give me the case number (Northern District Of
California CR04-0101 CRD), since it's a matter of
public record. The fact that I was sitting on the edge
of my seat as he was telling me this, slack-jawed and
with my eyes as wide as saucers, might have had
something to do with him giving me the info as well.
How did I get associated with Romeo? I'm just a ham
operator who had one QSO with him when he was in
Vietnam (still my only 3W QSO), spent probably
hundreds of hours listening for him from his other
far-flung locales, but never worked him anywhere other
than 3W. I just happened to ask the right question at
the wrong time.
It certainly is interesting what bites sometimes when
you go fishing, eh?

I'm finally recording my solo CD now. I'll be sure to
let everybody know when it's done. I could use a lead
player, though; maybe I should give WB6ACU a call...


Sean Kutzko KX9X
Gillespie, IL

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