You go, Steve! As moderator of some 13 Yahoo ham radio groups (4500 members), I 
am fed up to >HERE with spam blockers at all levels. I am now spending one to 
four (unpaid) HOURS per day on these groups because some jerk at 
thinks a program can separate spam from legitimate email. I can rant and rave 
about spamblockers for hours (and will on request), but they do not work at any 
level higher than the user level. And the user type under question which 
requires me to jump through a hoop so my group messages will get through to 
whomever installed it smells of arrogance, tunnel vision, and fuzzy thinking. 
As somebody mentioned, the only spam filter I've ever seen which works is that 
function of Eudora (emailer client from QualComm) which permits the user to 
determine what is spam and what is not.

It is absolutely up to the subscriber and nobody else to demand of his/her ISP 
(or whomever) to remove any installed spamblocker. On my groups, bounced 
messages due to presence of a spamblocker is grounds for instant deletion from 
the group(s).

Keep up the good work, Steve! Es GL on 3Y0X!

73 de Fred K2FRD

At 23:57 +0000 14/02/2006, Steve-KF2TI wrote:
>First, yes I know that I am cross posting both reflectors, I want to
>make sure everyone understands the adminsitrator's position on Spam
>Spam filters are a wonderful thing EXCEpt on reflectors.
>You voluntarily subscribe to a reflector, then, literally, refuse to
>accept posts from said reflectors unless somebody else goes through a
>song & dance routine so that you can read their post??  I thin not
>I am getting more than 20 requests a day from these spam filters to
>"susbcribe" the reflectors so that a person who subscribed to them in
>the first place can "read the mail"
>I am afraid not.  If you use a Spam filter, great.  I think they are
>the coming thing in spam fighting BUT!!! it's up to YOU to subscribe
>the reflector into your whitebook (I believe it's called), not me,
>not Urb, not Ron.
>Therefore, effective 4 weeks ago, I am unsubscribing anyone using a
>Spam filter that insists it is up to me to allow you, the voluntary
>subscriber to receive reflkector posts
>I am sure there are a few who feel that it isn't there job to make
>sure the get the posts they signed up for, but believe me, it is
>I have neither the time nor the patience to have to cut and pste and
>waste, in some cases, 10 minutes to signh up just one reflector only
>to have the message bounce since the reflector can't respond  YES
>it's true, these bots are looking for answers from another
>about your I, Robot!!!
>Anyway, sorry if your inconveninced into have to do this, but think
>about what I have to go through, and for the pittence I get paid
>The 3Y is still on...go get 'em
>mention my name
>Steven - KF2TI
>Systems Administrator
>NJDXA DXR Reflector
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