I am just about to go on an expedition to Benin TY with three friends - 15 - 31 March.

I have previously been to VP8, V2, OY, 3D2, T30, T33, W7, VE7, VK6, 9V1, HL and a few others.

I go on these trips because I want to. I really dont care what other people think. When out there, I will do my best to make as many QSOs as possible on as many bands as possible using as many modes as I am competent on, and take special delight on giving the little guy a new one.

If anybody does not like my operating skills, techniques, preferences or anything connected with my expedition, then TOUGH - thats their problem. It wont be a problem for me.

I have no time for arm chair Dxers, who do little more than bitch about everything. Some of them should get off their butt now and again and try it out. I am open to constructive criticism as I try to do better on each expedition, but I hate time wasters, and all the other moaners.

Sorry if I am a little blunt - but if you cant stand the heat - get out of the kitchen.



Russell Kellam Jr wrote:
Well said Ken. Many of the criticisms can be taken as "sour grapes" as we move on to more & better DX. 73 Russ W4UBC

    ----- Original Message -----
    *From:* Ken Holdom <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    *To:* dx-chat@njdxa.org <mailto:dx-chat@njdxa.org>
    *Sent:* Tuesday, February 21, 2006 4:40 AM
    *Subject:* [DX-CHAT] Future DXpeditions

Hi All To save any problems with the moderator of the reflector please
    address any personal issues direct to me.  Email address at the
bottom of the message Having undertaken three (3) yes three successfull DXpeditions to
    ZL8, Zl9 and ZL7   I am beginning to wonder if it will be
    politically correct from a ham radio perspective to undertake
    another DXpedition
My XYL has asked me to do ZL8 again and I have recently costed
    this exercise with a stunning result.
Following all the negative criticism and negative comments about
    the recent 3YOX fantastic performance I am beggining to wonder if
    it is at all worthwhile considering this venture.
I firmly believe that there is far to much criticism of the events
    when thay have been put on at extraordinarary costs to the
    operators involved.  The people involved have gone out of their
    way to provide something rare for the amateur fraternity and all
    they end up getting is one hell of a lot of criticism.
The individual operators involved in any major DXpedition
    sacrifice huge amounts of ther own personal time for the benefit
    of others internationally.  Whilst appreciating that these fellow
    amateurs do this for the benifit to others, yes there is the
    element of getting some satisfaction of having been to these
    remote places. This is never seen to be a benefit of top priority
    for the operators.
I trust that we will all get on now and enjoy our hobby to the
    fullest and work what we personally can, forget about those who
    have done better than ourselves and after all it is a personal
FORGET THE REST : DO YOUR BEST Kind Regards and Best Wishes Ken Holdom ZL4HU
    Email Address    [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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