Title: Message

You are right…the few B0Z0’s ruin it for all. Just like the morons who decided to take 18 MHz, 17meter cards and decided they wanted to be top banders and toss in a period.  1.8 MHz WOW !!! I am on 160 and getting cards !!!! Sad but true.  Now top banders either have to drive to ARRL like myself to get cards checked in person or mail the 160 cards to them for them to see …Its hard to GET cards via direct mail sometimes…why the hell am I gonna send a good card out in the mail again ! I guess ARRL has seen it all and are fed up with the B0Z0’s so now everyone suffers. I wonder when someone---a bonehead--- will start an ESP contact net? I would love to listen when I am bored .


                                                     73 Pete NA2P


Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2006 5:44 PM
To: Joe Subich, W4TV; 'DX Chat'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] QSL info TROLLing


I have never heard of the Trolling thing until today. How serious/rampant is this Trolling? Is there any serious documentation available?

How does it effect yours or my certificates? Can you or I no longer point to our certificates with pride?


The bottom line to those questions, at least from my point of view, is who cares. As long as you or I can point to our certificates and know we got them honestly why do we care what station BØZØ does. It doesn't water-down my certificates. In this particular case if it means NA2P is finally going to get his contact confirmed then we will have made progress. We can't stop or suspend progress because of a few bozo's, who, by the way, will always find a way to be bozo's. No matter how well designed, or secure, a system is designed BØZØ will always find a way to compromise it, that's life. I think we need to spend more time pointing out our accomplishments and less time pointing fingers at, or even acknowledging, the bozo's.



Don't worry about the world coming to an end today.
It's already tomorrow in Australia

Date: 3/28/2006

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