OK, here's one for those of you who still maintain your collections of CQ, QST, 
and so forth...

Longer ago than I care to think about, back in my Novice days, I found an 
article in an old CQ magazine for a "peanut whistle" 1 tube crystal controlled 
CW QRP transmitter.  The tube was a 117N7GT or equivalent, so no transformer 
was neccesary.

The article was from sometime in the late '60's.  I no longer have it, I parted 
ways with those CQ's (which I'd picked up at an ham auction) sometime before 

If this rings a bell with anyone, I'd appreciate getting a copy of the article 
and schematic.  I'll pay the costs, of course.

Or if this article or something similar is available on-line, I'd appreciate 
being pointed in the right direction.

No big deal, just suffering from a little nostalgia.  And an itch to tinker 
with the little beast again!


73, ron wn3vaw
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