Well, your friend's only been a ham for 12-15 years, so it could still be dumbing down. After all, he is a product of the V.E. licensing system and never had to take a test in front of an F.C.C. examiner and could just memorize the question pool to get his ticket. Unless, of course, your friend is just a jerk. In that case licensing requirements have nothing to do with his problem.

Almost everybody works hard all day and most don't behave as you friend did. The real problem is that we don't have any respect for each other anyone. Part of that problem is the feeling by some people that because someone has been licensed for a certain length of time or upgraded at a certain time, that person has less "worth" than someone licensed before that point. It could be April 15, 2000 or it could be before 1984, when the V.E. system started. Or it could be a myriad of other points in time where some mythical standard was changed, like when the Dick Dash books became available or when the period of time you had to wait before retaking an exam was shortened. It really doesn't matter, because the real problem is the belief that we don't need to respect someone because of how, what kind or when they took a test. The reason we ought to respect someone should be based on what kind of ham they are, not when they got their ticket.

As much as it might bother some people, a lot of hams who were licensed or upgraded after 2000 are pretty good hams, despite the fact that they didn't have to pass a 20 WPM CW test. Some are ignorant, but ignorance can be corrected pretty easily- lack of character and maliciousness are more difficult to deal with.

Scott, N9AA

WC7N wrote:
Today I have been setting here in the Ham Shack, reading a book, because I couldn't hear any of the DX but did check frequencies. (Easy to do whey you are retired and an old F...) I was really amazed at the language I was hearing and first put it on the dumbing down of the ham radio license requirements but then remembered recently I was visiting a friend who has been a ham for probably 12-15 years, he was calling a dx station on CW and some body came up on freq and he went critical with the UP UP UP FU FU FU etc. I asked "what are you doing." His answer "I work hard all day and when I come home and have time to ham I don't have to put up with that s..." Well maybe that is the problem now, not the dumbing down of the license but working hard to support a family, taking too much sh.. from the boss and just no patience when you get home.

Rod WC7N
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