Greetings all,

OK - with some encouragement from others I would like
to again propose a "system" for spotting.  I really
believe it would work and be very helpful.

The suggested format:

dx <dx call> <freq> <RST>.<spotter location>.<spotter
antenna>.<any additional info>

And it would be like this example:

DX YU6AO 14.190 59.W5.4L QSX 14.200

This would mean that I am hearing YU6AO with a 59
signal in W5 land and I am using a 4 element
directional antenna and that station is listening on

The 'codes' could be:

for <spotter location> simply use prefix - that would
narrow it down enough, 9A, W6, 9Y, GW, etc. - so that
the others who see the spot would know the general
location (not just the DXCC of origin).  I see a spot
from a W5 and wonder why I am not hearing the station
and then look up the station and see they are in
Maryland (for example).

for <spotter antenna> this does not have to be too
complex.  How about 1L for non directional antenna,
and then 2L, 3L, etc. for number of elements for a
directional antenna.  Then when I see a spot for a YU6
from a station in W5 and it is on 80 meters and I
can't hear them with my poor dipole and then see their
spot and realize they are using a 2 element
directional antenna - makes sense.

The above plan would also allow for some serious data
gathering my computer program to keep a good record of
prop from various areas.

What do others think?

Gary, N5PHT

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