Ummm... I'm not so sure.  I never had problems on 20 (or any other band for
that matter) at either of my past 2 QTH's from the network.  Granted, at the
old house, I was running 10Base-2 (that's supposed to be RG-58, as you
know... I ran RG-8X, got more than one argument from some other IT pros that
"you can't do that, it can't possibly work" but that's another story) from
the shack upstairs and 10Base-T everywhere else.  My TS-140 is a touch flaky
on 20, but I think that's a rig issue, not a networking issue.

Funny thing, they put the wireless router in the basement, about 15 feet
diagonally away from the computer (the computer is in a 2 room addition on
the back of the house, but the previous owners didn't bother to extend the
basement).  Granted, there's some walls and such there, but I'd still have
expected better than a 42 throughput.

N3ZK had offered to come over and help me do some wiring in the house.  Had
hoped to do it before the move-in, but neither of our schedules permitted.
Randy doesn't have a problem with crawl spaces, unlike the Verizon guys.
I'd rather run the wiring anyway... for that matter, almost all of my
Ethernet cards are Etherlink III 10BaseT combo cards, so I can always go
back to a coax run for the network.  Now in which box did I stash those
terminators and BNC T connectors? <g>

73, ron w3wn

-----Original Message-----
Of Peter Dougherty
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2006 11:53 PM
To: Ron Notarius W3WN;
Subject: RE: [DX-CHAT] 4O3T

At 11:36 PM 07/24/2006, Ron Notarius W3WN wrote:
>GL on your end of the trip Tom.
>With any luck, I'll have an antenna operational at the new QTH by then!
>That is, once I find where the coax was buried (in amongst the boxes, that
>is), get a desk cleared off, unbury the rig...
>...hey, at least Verizon was here today to get my Internet connection back
>up & running.  Now, you could say the techs were lazy... instead of running
>an Ethernet line from the basement demark to the computer, they "gave" me a
>wireless USB adapter for the computer.  OK, so it's Part 15 802.11b, but RF
>is RF, right?  <g>

Actually, they probably did you a big favour, to be honest. Networks
using unshielded Cat-5 can do some fun stuff to 20m, especially right
around 14212 & 14273 at this QTH. If I ever get abmitious here I'll
go 802.11g throughout the house and just hope I don't have to do
massive file transfers any more.



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