So sad that we see this thread come up with every major top-ten DXpedition.

I *am* in favour of blacklisting but only for a day. "WZ4ZZZ you've been calling out of turn for 20 minutes now, tail-ending and covering up the guys I'm trying to work. You're not going in the log today. Try back tomorrow when I'm calling for 4's; OK" that kind of thing.

To unabashedly paraphrase Martti Laine's analogy, DXing is a performance of sorts, and both the players on the stage (the DX) and the audience (us) have a role to play if the performance is to be a success. I'm sure the DXers who spend thousands or tens of thousands or in some cases hundreds-of-thousands to give The Deserving (!!!) a new one don't go into their trips with the objective to only work a few thousand and that's it -- I'd bet they want the highest Q rates and give out the most "new ones" as they can. It behooves them to take along a lot of serious experienced operators, and for the newbies out there with them, put them on the least-demanding shifts at first until they prove their mettle - noth thrust them onto 40 CW or 20 SSB on a Friday night. Small operations to ultra-rare locations (i.e. not holiday "let's-have-some-fun-on-the-air" operations) are doing themselves no favours by taking along large numbers of inexperienced operators for the reasons stated earlier in this thread.

In other words, the question posed by the subject line of this thread of "How do we make better DXers" is answered by "By the organizers of major DXpeditions putting the best operators they can find behind the mic or key or keyboard when it counts, setting rules and keeping to those rules no matter how surly the pile becomes." The carrot is the QSL card, but the stick should be a NIL, and I'm afraid far too few operators are willing to use the stick once in a while. A little public shaming of the WORST offenders, at JUST the right point can sometimes be the tonic needed, I feel.

Also, I suspect those who subscribe to and participate in these forums are not the problem-children anyway. It's the rogues who don't give a hoot what anybody else thinks who ruins it for everybody. The operators who see "me me me me me me" above everything else; the guys who WILL work DXpeditions 10 times on one band-mode just "cuz they can," etc. These varlets just don't listen to anybody so all the words written here, sadly, will probably have no effect.

----- Original Message -----
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, July 30, 2006 4:10 PM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] How do we make better DXers?

The DX just has to be strict about who gets to get through.  The
pileup should be held up until WK7 gets to get through, or the DX says
"the whiskey kilo seven please" and is met with silence.  Yeah, QSO
rate may plummet, but that's just what has to happen to keep the
pileup in line.



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