At 08:01 PM 07/30/2006, KA5EJX wrote:
Is it ok if I ask about a good logging program on here?
I will assume there is a website dedicated to comparing various DX logging programs?

Hi Rod,

What you consider a good logger others would disagree, and it depends on your level of activity and desires and budget (is some cases). Me, I'm a software junkie and of all the apps I use for everything, I look at my logger more than anything including my browser and e-mail software. I want an 800-pound gorilla that will track everything, control my station and feed me Guinness and Wings in pileups. Well, almost....

I went with DX Base after a lot of trial-and-error with various and sundry loggers. The only one that came close was DX4WIN, but I didn't like the interface (personal choice). I found DX Base was more like traditional Windows apps, is phenomenally powerful and customizable. Over the years it's developped into a world-class logger (albeit with a handful of small annoyances), but compared to everything else out there, in my opinion, it's the best in show. Feature-wise and robustness-wise, I'd say DX4WIN and miLOG come very close, and Logger32 (freebie) and MacLog (Mac only) are serious contenders.

There are a plethora of cheapies or lesser-powered loggers out there too. If you want basic logging and DXCC/WAS tracking, pretty well anything will do, but if you want full automation and station coordination, go with whichever of the Big Boys suits your tastes.

Important, too, is a good contest logger if you participate in contests, and to these eyes and fingers, there's only one worth of using and that's N1MM Contest Logger. Freeware, easy as anything to use and absolutely second-nature.

Read the reviews on eHam of those that you're interested in learning more about and many of them have trial versions of various usefulness before you whip out your credit card. I can tell you that DX Base will set you back a C-note first time, and yearly upgrades are $35. DX4WIN is a little cheaper, and ProLog is a little more if you include all the modules that make it useful.



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