The guy that has to go to someone else's rig to run a KW+ has no bragginmg rights, IMHO.

This is just meant as food for thought. No opinion here, only questions.

I've never done it, but ask... "How is that any different from a ham who has a place (and station) in NJ and, say... Miami or Aspen?

When I worked the first Swains Island expedition, I was in Maryland, at my vacation home, with a 17M inverted vee and a barefoot FT-900. One of the easiest contacts I ever made. Should I lose that contact because I wasn't at my NJ place?

The only difference I see is that the physical station and all the work that went into it was someone else's work. How about a ham who lives in a covenanted dwelling and goes to his club to work DX? He has no other options.

The between-the-ears part, the technique, the tuning and hunting techniques certainly belongs to the guy making the contact, regardless of where he may be. The rules say that "anywhere in the US" counts for just that - the US, without regard to location or station.

I can go on. If I lent my linear and rig to another ham, should his qso count? What if he drove over and hooked his own rig up to MY amp and antenna?

Where do you draw the line?
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur

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