Hello all,
    I'm planning on doing a little "vacation style" operating from Grand
Cayman this summer while on a trip there with my XYL and some (non-ham)
friends. I'm working on getting my ZF2 license (and trying to be patient,
while remembering that things move a lot more slowly in the islands), but
the one thing that I haven't been able to get information about is what are
the operating regulations for the Caymans. (In other words, the Caymanian
equivalent of the FCC Part 97 rules.) When I heard back from the licensing
authority (ICTA), they basically said that they were pretty new at licensing
(I think that it used to be done by Cable & Wireless ?) and referred me to
Andrew, ZF1EJ for additional information.

   As of yet, I haven't been able to contact Andrew, so I was wondering if
anyone had any information regarding the operating rules for Cayman?


    David, K2DBK

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