We might all note that Bill appears to be a subscriber to this list.

For some reason, Bill took umbrage (no, he was REALLY PO'd) at my forwarding his quite reasonable response to my eMail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] in this reflector. I didn't see anything personal, nasty or even defensive in his reply to me, and I posted it to the Reflector in its entirety, without comment one way or the other.

Of course, I sent my original question to the LEAGUE, and not to Bill personally. Since the LEAGUE is OUR association, I didn't give a second thought to printing the LEAGUE'S response to this question and subsequent discussion here.

In fact, some of you have since privately eMailed me thanking me for publishing the League's response.

Apparently, I should have been more discreet and paraphrased the response instead of quoting it.

My apologies to Bill for, if nothing else, bringing him into this discussion.

Additionally, because of my many years of professional typesetting experience, I have also sent Bill a few suggestions as to how MUCH more data may be fit into less space. I have never seen any Yearbook that didn't list the members of the class, BTW.

I'm done with this subject. Bill can ream me out personally the next time I bring a batch of cards up to Newington (hello, BS7H).

Harris N2ERN

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