----- Original Message ----- From: "Charles Harpole" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <dx-chat@njdxa.org>
Sent: Wednesday, 25 July, 2007 10:18 PM
Subject: [DX-CHAT] new DXers

Since January, I have been conducting an experiment to see if there are many new DXers in usa after the change in licensing tests. I have run rapid contact style calls on 20meters SSB, signing HS0ZCW. Getting 20 over 9 reports to me during openings encouraged me to continue despite my receiving most NA contacts at low sig levels.

I set out to provide Thailand to those new folks everywhere, reasoning that all big guns have HS with multiple confirms (QSLs). Incoming QSL cards here now accumulating have many comments like "first HS" "been calling u for months" etc., with gratitude for their first HS contact. And many list 100watts and a dipole as gear. Such contacts are very gratifying to me. The fact that there are still big pile ups for an HS 20m SSB contact may tell us something about DXing today.

However, my theory abt why I get huge EU pile ups I explain more to boredom than a rare one. That is, we all know the bands are open but few are on, a phenomena these days. So, I guess EU calls me because I am the only DX they can hear that hour and better oh hum DX than no DX.

Some thoughts......  73

Charles Harpole

Yes some dx is better than none I suppose. I checked my log and I have only one HS0 ever worked and that was when I was in Illinois - 20m ssb 14 April 1991. I received a QSL card but it had the wrong date on it.

I think that HS0 is a difficult path down to this part of the world (North Carolina).

Looking forward to my second HS0 contact.

Mark  N1UK G3ZZM

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