I definitely want Ten Tec to prosper.... they have stuck with ham radio market when Drake, et al. departed. BUT, either T T gotta get with the modern way of selling or just bear the heat from hams. Of course, the smart company, who may also be able to afford it, MUST sell via displays and other ways to press the flesh.

Ham radio is a unique market with most buyers knowing almost as much as the sellers... and sometimes more.... and buyers who want to talk and touch. Look at the other products who have gotten a hold on the INSTALLED BASE (Microsoft), the place to turn a dollar mucho.... Being marginal is just that. T T should be the radios of choice today in America (with the K3 crawling down their necks) because of specs, country of origin, and wide product line

But, that is painfully not true.... why? It is not in the design or engineer dept... but in the sales. Look at the ad copy in the MFJ catalog... superior copy that screams BUY THIS great little gadget that rivials sliced bread! Look at Chip's departing copy for the FT-9000 that talks abt the excitement of ham radio.... that is great writing.

The day passed long ago when u could just present a superior product and have your door beaten down.... sellers have to get a loyal installed base.... i.e., Elecraft..... or just lots of temptingly written ads and hamfest appearances ( K, Y, I). When I commented mildly... in my usual way, that the K3 ought to have individual band buttons on front.... the number of loyalist flames was triple those defending Ten Tec. Loyal installed base there. Why, because Elecraft coddles and strokes hams everywhere they can.

Ten Tec, wake up..... there are buyers out here in DX land who wish they could like you. 73

Charles Harpole

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