At 08:33 AM 12/22/2007, G Nuth wrote:
You guys are lucky with the great sigs for FJ stations, not a peep in ZL. Doubt if we would be lucky in a pile-up even if we could hear them. 73 ZL3ACA

I took a peek at propagation forecasts and you should be able to at least hear them on 40 CW between about 0800 and 1030 UTC, and on 20 between 1200 and 1300. I know they were working JAs on 40 CW yesterday around 1000 when I turned the radio on.

Thems the breaks from down-under.
True, but think how easy a shot you have to ZL8, ZL9, Macquarie, Heard, Willis, Christmas and Cocos-Keling etc!


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