I wouldn't pay much attention to the spot pattern. They are invariably well behind real time and are incomplete. I find Olli (CW) generally moves up the band a few hundred cycles to 1 khz (depending on QRM) per QSO and back down again when there are a lot of callers. Today on 17, he sat on 1 frequency plus/minus a few hundred cycles for at least 10 minutes before the QRM started him moving again.

DXCC Field Checker-Southern Alberta
VE/VA6 QSL Bureau Team
(403) 251-0384

----- Original Message ----- From: "Ron Notarius W3WN" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <dx-chat@njdxa.org>
Sent: Saturday, December 22, 2007 3:05 PM
Subject: RE: [DX-CHAT] FJ/OH2AM signals

One thing that's pretty obvious, especially if you keep an eye on the
cluster while trying to work them, is that their pattern is -- no pattern!
Based on the spots alone, they'll work someone transmitting on 7015, then
7021, then 7012, etc. ... up and down within the announced listening range.

My guess is that they don't linger on a particular frequency for more than a
QSO or two.  That defeats anyone trying to jam up their receiver.  It also
may mean that when they QSY, they quickly hunt a clear signal on the band,
and when the cluster watchers QSY to that frequency, they vacate others
which now have a clear signal to work.

Maddening to those who try to match a pattern.  But the best strategy may
just be to pick A frequency and stick to it, and wait for surrounding
traffic to clear away.  Add superb operators with great filters, and given
enough time, you'll work them!


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Zack Widup
Sent: Saturday, December 22, 2007 1:34 PM
Cc: dx-chat@njdxa.org
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] FJ/OH2AM signals

Don't know what equipment they're using but I think they have verticals on
the beach.  I'll bet they're running a kW though.

Their signal has been superb here, too.  What really impresses me is that
Olli just works EU right through the USA wall on CW.  Maybe he has very
narrow filters. He will work a bunch of USA, then a bunch of EU, then a
bunch of USA ... without saying "EU only".  Truly amazing!

He was going so fast last night that I guess he made everyone reasonably
happy.  There was little or no jamming here.  Just the usual clueless
people who called him on his frequency for a while, then gave up. When
they left, so did the DX cops.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Sat, 22 Dec 2007, DAVE WHITE wrote:

Hi all,

 Does anyone know what Olli and Martti are running from FJ?

 They've been putting a truly magnificent signal into this part of the
world, certainly a change from the half-a-watt-into-a-wet-string
expeditions.  They're currently (10am) coming in at 20db over 9 on 40m cw
and were a big S9 on 20m SSB last night.

 Excellent, efficient operation too!


 Dave G0OIL

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