As I just seen on , there is all OK now with GJ4FDM!
OC from HA have release this call so that OC Tom can do his own update on

However, good frend of mine Z31CZ-Zika have similar problem with some KG6D , 
after many E-Mails send toKG6D still not any replay
(mabe SK ?). He just need to "RELEASE" Z31CZ from his list of upploads done on
IF Anyone here on the list, know KG6D or can be touch with him, ask Him PLEASE 
just to release Z31CZ as the address there is not
valid for quite long time.

Any other information about KG6D is wellcomme, TNX!

Stay Tuned & GL on SIX !!!
73  GL&DX!!!    de: Mome - Z32ZM

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom Wylie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "DX-CHAT" <>
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2008 11:24 AM
Subject: [DX-CHAT] GJ4FDM

> On returning from my expedition to Jersey I found that a
> Hungarian amateur has "updated"  QRZ.COM with GJ4FDM
> information.....
> As he has done so I cannot now edit the information as it
> will not permit me.
> Why can a station upload information for a station he has
> nothing to do with?   He was not authorised to make such an
> upload nor did he ask permission to do so?
> Tom

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