
One of the most volatile topics that any two (or more) human beings can
start a discussion on is politics.

In an election year, especially a US Presidential Election Year that we are
now in, it is far too easy for facts and innuendo to becoming mixed and
mis-interpreted as one instead of the other.  To say nothing of
distortions... what is politely called these days "spin"... mudslinging,
character assasination, and downright lying.

A perfect example of this is the thread on a certain candidate that was
started earlier tonight and that should be considered terminated.  The
candidate's statements that were the thrust of the thread were made over two
years ago in the context of emergency communications failures in his home
state.  This was not readily apparent in the message header, and at least
one comment that made it through before the thread was terminated was
clearly taking the statements at face value and not within context.

The bottom line is this:  There are plenty of places on the Internet for
political discussions, including those directly or indirectly or
tangentially involving the Amateur Radio Service.  This list is not one of

Please respect your fellow reflector members by holding politically oriented
discussions where they are appropriate.  Again, this reflector is not one of
those places.

Thank you for your understanding.

73, ron w3wn
administrator, dx chat

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