As expected, I have been getting a few responses saying "the DX Op must control 
the pileup".
OK, guys, explain this to me?
WP3?, KD8??, N1???, W4AMP, = 300 more
DX- Whiskey four Alpha Mike? 59
WP3?, KD8??, N1???, Whiskey Four Alpha Mike papa, you're also 59, KE4???, =100 
DX- Was that Whiskey Four Alpha Papa?
Whiskey Papa, Whiskey Papa, Whiskey Papa, Whiskey P, Whiskey Papa, Whiskey 
Papa, KD8??, N1???, KE4??? =100 more, negative it is Whiskey four Alpha Mike 
Papa, Whiskey four Alpha Mike Papa.
DX- Was that Whiskey four Alpha Mike Papa?
Whiskey papa, Whiskey Papa, Whiskey Papa, Whiskey papa, Whiskey Papa, Whiskey 
papa, roger roger Whiskey four Alpha Mike Papa, KD8??, KE4???,N1???, = 100 more.
That was a transcription of an actial qso, you can copnfirm with W4AMP if you 
would like, other calls left incomplete to protect he guilty. W4AMP was left 
not knowing if he was in the log correct, TI9KK was left not knowing if she had 
it correct, but moved on out of desperation, and that's how every contact went.
Now, was it TI9KKs fault? How should she have controlled the pileup? Should she 
have just qrted? Shoild she have gone split, if she knew how?
Here's another suggestion- Why can't the DXer have some miniscule partical of 
self-control? If it's not for you, why is it immpossible to stand by? If 
repeating your partial or call over and over again isn't working why continue? 
Is it the DXers fault for not maintaining control and keeping a good rate, or 
is it the pileup's fault for not listening? Should something extraordinary be 
required to force all stations not W4AMP to stand by, or should they have the 
brains all on their own to understand if they allow the DX to work W4AMP 
quickly she will get to them more quickly, but if they make it take 4 minutes 
to work W4AMP the liklihood of their getting into the log has been seriously 
I found it interesting to read that some DXpeditons fake a contact to keep the 
pace, or say a partial they didn't hear and often someone with that partial 
comes back. 
Yes, if the DX asks for a specific station, and doesn't follow through that is 
not a good thing, but if the DX station has persisted for 4 or 5 calls and 
others refuse to stand by whose fault is it? What option does the DX then have 
to maintain control. Should they then stop and lecture and scold as if to 
children? Or what is the solution?
Also, I don't buy that it is people new to HF. The calls I looked up were long 
time licensees. Virtually all were extras. One of the best ops {unfortunatley} 
was aGeneral operating out of his band who had been licensed since 1989 {at 
least when the license was last modified}. So I don't think it can all be 
blamed on the newcomers.
73, Duane

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