At 09:28 AM 3/18/2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
If you have to go to an on-line log to know whether you worked the station or not, you DIDN'T ... ... and the analogy is similar to the "DX nets" wherein the net control bleats out "good one!"

My anti-flame suit is on.  So don't waste bandwidth.  You won't be in the log.

Not a flame, but consider this: Sometimes a Q is good, you've clearly copied your call coming back and report, etc...and the DX station, through touch-typing on his laptop and paying attention to something else, logs a different call or enters nonsensical characters by accident - and doesn't pick up the error.

Or maybe something even more basic - the log from that computer gets damaged somehow between when the Q was made and your card is presented to them for verification.

We can live without online logs, but if they're available, that's a huge plus for us AND a huge plus for them (in terms of less dupes), AND a huge plus for the low power/low wire stations who have a bunch of extra chances to make *their* Q's since less big guys will be calling and duping.


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