This week the Daily DX bulletin said we have reached a new low 10 cm Solar Flux level, the previous low being reached on July 2, 1954 which was soon followed by the best solar cycle ever recorded. I became a teenage Alabama novice in October 1954 with no idea what a sun spot was. I happily joined other new novices in making new friends all over the SE USA on 80m and soon all over the USA on 40m with 15 watt ear splitting signals. Those bands were wonderful! I soon found that there were hams in other countries when I was called one night by a strange sounding station. I began my DX career by chatting with CM2PX. Dxing on 15m soon followed. Apparently as the solar cycle began it's upward climb, the upper bands quickly came alive because I remember 15m being outstanding in 1955! Soon a homemade 2 element beam for 10m was fabbed using foil wrapped around fishing poles.
The Heath AT-1 could now reach almost anywhere at any time, day or night!

So, if you have been struggling with weak signals on closed bands trying to work DXCC, get ready, be prepared and fasten your seat belts, because I think its going to be a wild ride.

Bill W5EC 338/356

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