Why do we need to be critical of these guys -- I am admittedly not an
experienced DXer but what is gained by shooting at them -- if i had laid out
a bunch of money, taken time off work etc to try something like this -- and
found a bunch of guys being critical and denegrating, I would seriously
consider not doing so again.
Instead of making criticizing, we should be trying to work them.  Face it
folks -- with this group there you have chance at #7 on the most wanted list
-- without them - you have NO CHANCE.  They may not be experienced DXers --
but they are better than NO DXers on the trip.

For my part -  THANK YOU GUYS

see you down the log
(and no I have not worked them)


Obvously not experienced DXers.
> Vu7JS is a different story
> 73  Rag  LA5HE
> >
>  They are doing their best, give them a chance.
> > 73
> > Lou   KE1F
> >
> > > Could not believe the #7 on the Most Wanted List(VU4)
> > > was on 14.240 SIMPLEX this AM. Pile-up was absolute
> > chaos and did not
> > > hear a single US operator
> > > work them. Should have been QRV on 14.195 with a
> > > 10 kc split at least. 14.240 is ragchewer/ net
> > territory
> > > and we all know what happens when you xmit on THEIR
> > frequency. Just a
> > > thought. Russ W4UBC
Tim Holmes
W8TAH - Amateur Extra Operator
Medina County AEC
Skywarn Advanced Storm Spotter Certified
Certified Severe Weather Specialist
StormNet Chase 9

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