HI Folks:

Just looking for some hints and tips
I am an extra class (W8TAH). My station is VERY much a little pistol

IC 706MKIIG barefoot
10-15-20 Rotateable Dipole at about 25 feet
135 Foot wire dipole - fed with window line at about 50 feet -- wiht LDG
AT200 Pro tuner for 10 - 80 (160 is miserable)
3 Ele Cushcraft Yagi on 6 at about 30 feet

I have worked a number of DXpeditions in the past, including the VERY
EXCELLENT Ducie Island group last year --

I want to try to make contact with Descheo island this february, as well as
improve my over all DXing.  Right now in this economy, hardware upgrades are
not much of an option -- so im looking for techniques and the like.

can any one give me any good ideas

Im located in EN91cd


Tim Holmes
W8TAH - Amateur Extra Operator
Medina County AEC
Skywarn Advanced Storm Spotter Certified
Certified Severe Weather Specialist
StormNet Chase 9

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