Hi Guys -

I was thumbing through an old box of QSL cards the other day and
reminiscing about some of the QSOs that where in there.  It's pretty
amazing how we can look at a QSL card and it brings back the memories of
working that station.

I thought it might be interesting to wrap this into a future column of
WorldRadio.  If you have a memorable DX QSO, I'd like to hear about it.
What made it memorable for you?  Did you sit in the pileups for hours?
Did you happen to catch a rare DX station CQing before he was spotted?
Did you work somebody famous (JY1 comes to mind).  Anything that sets
the QSO apart from others is what I'd like to hear about.  And if you
happen to have a QSL card for the contact, it would be icing on the cake
if you could forward that as well.

For those that are not aware, WorldRadio magazine was sold to CQ this
past November.  With the sale, WR was transformed into an online
magazine and is now free to anyone.  The first online issue was
"published" about a week ago and can be found here:

See you in the pileups!
Kelly - N0VD
WorldRadio DX Columnist

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