At 07:17 PM 8/20/2009, Bob de Grippo wrote:
>Any comment? I submitted ONE  lotw application with one contact
>the contact is there but lotw wanted $12.50 for the submission....
>I noted in the lotw application this is supposed to be free...guess I
>will see.
>But I had already made a submission a couple months ago the old way so
>I only did the 7o1ygf hoping it will go as free..

"A special note for 7O1YGF applications only: On Part 4 of the LoTW application, click "Payment by mail." This step is very important to assure proper handling. If you clicked on Part 1 for any QSOs other than 7O1YGF you must make proper payment. This is only for 7O1YGF submissions. Applications with other QSOs will be handled and charged as a regular submission."


Dick Flanagan K7VC

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